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Hisbiscus - work in progress ......

Photo du rédacteur: Christiane FortinChristiane Fortin

Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to show you the progress of my 3rd large watercolour flower. It's going well, but to be honest, it's going a bit slower than usual.

The reason behind this is that I'm using colours I have never used before, and making matters worst, I'm adding titanium in all the colours to increase the spread of the pigments when I apply it to the paper, which is, of course, adding to the stress of watercolour painting.

''do it right the first time or lose it forever.''

There aren't many ways in watercolour to correct the mistakes, so we have to be very creative when they happen. When working in a large format, it's essential to prepare yourself ahead of time and test your colours. Did I do that? To some degree, yes!

This first picture is from this morning; the process stopped last night. I already have ten coasts of transparent pigments on some areas, and I bet I will need more.

The following pictures shows the process up to now.

These are the two main colours I am using. If you are interested in finding out more information about the particular specification of each, click on the picture. I've attached a link that will bring you directly the Winsor Newton and Daniel Smith specs sheet. Enjoy! They are wonderful colours.

Please feel free to write your ideas or comments below. I enjoy reading them; they help me grow as an artist.

Do you like the colours ?

Do you think I could change something ?

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Christiane Fortin

Peindre la beauté de la vie, un trait à la fois

30 years of

Christiane Fortin, artist
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